"Hallelujah, I'm a Bum"
seek work - or find a kind of freedom
by james r. chiles for the smithsonian magazine
august 1998
In a journey back to the world of the hobo, James R. Chiles
describes life in the hobo jungles, the struggle to escape from angry
"bulls" (railroad police), the difference between "bums" and "yeggs"
and "tramps," and what it was like to hop a freight. "I grab it as
tight as I can," a young hobo recalls. "I think my arms will be jerked
out of their sockets." Hoboes had their own do's and don'ts, Chiles
reports. Stealing from the general public was kept to a minimum. It
might be OK to filch a piece of pie or a clean shirt from a laundry
line, but breaking into someone's house was an extremely serious
offense - it might lead friendly householders to stop giving back porch
meals in return for splitting wood or carrying water.
Restless and
displaced veterans began riding the rails soon after the Civil War, as
more and more railroads were extended west, but Chiles' account
concentrates on the Depression era when hoboes became something of a
national preoccupation. In the 1870s there were only 53,000 miles of
railroad track. By 1930 there were 230,000. In the 1890s stories
generally described men on the bum as "demented vagrants" or "depraved
savages" or "symbols of primitive evil." But in the 1930s Americans
sympathized; one in five of the able-bodied population was out of work.
Besides, the public had fallen in love with Charlie Chaplin as the
touching Little Tramp; and in 1941 a celebrated film, Sullivan's
Travels, with Joel McCrea and Veronica Lake, made people understand
what it was like to ride the rails, and to face the world as
Hoboes are
often thought of as losers, but Chiles notes that included among them
at various times were such future notables as novelist Louis L'Amour,
oil billionaire H. L. Hunt, journalist Eric Sevareid and Supreme Court
Justice William O. Douglas. Included also was Chiles himself, who, some
years back, rode the rails briefly to get a taste of hobo life.