Christmas '91 Train Trip
Hanging out just north of depot near the "trailers". Cold and overcast morning. It's now 8:15 am and the EUWCM should be here anytime. Out of town at 8:30 am on a very clean hopper. Had fast, smooth ride down the Valley. Got into Roseville at 3:30 p.m. after sitting in the hole at Grey Rocks for a half hour. On track 9 waiting for crew change. It's now 5:00 pm. Moving through Antelope at 6:00 pm. Had smooth, quick ride down the Valley. Got into Fresno at 11:30 p.m. and finally Bakersfield at 3:00 am. Sat in the yard while lots of trains went by and left at 6:00 am. Slept until we stopped for helpers at Sand Cut. Had great ride over Tehachapis - clear and warm, and got into Colton at 2:30 pm. Waiting at Colton Tower for my brother to pick me up. Had a nice Xmas with the family and Gary drove me to Bruce's Mom's house in Riverside, where I had a great dinner, then Bruce drove me to Colton. Hung around until 3:30 am waiting for train and finally crashed on ground near wye. Woke up early, got rousted by the bull at the "signal box", and now (8:15 am) I'm waiting on the "Mexican" side of the bridge for a train. Well, it's now 2:45 p.m. and I'm still waiting for a train. At one time there were 9 of us under the bridge waiting to catch out. Now it's just me and another guy. The "other guy" finally gave up (I don't blame him) and it was just me waiting until 1:30 am the next morning when they finally ran a Bakersfield train! It was the WCBRM. I got to Bakersfield at 8:00 am and slept just about all the way to Roseville, where I am now at 4:30 pm. Light fog and overcast. After only about 15 minutes at the west end of Antelope we flew down the main and on up north without even stopping - my kind of train! Got into Dunsmuir at 1:00 am. Shelley came and got me. Phew!