Take Only Pictures... (part 2)
...leave only empty wine bottles

Another ride up to Eugene and no good rides on the way down. I ended up grabbing a loaded lumber flat and crawling into a short gap between the stacks of lumber, which actually made for a warm, cozy ride over the Cascades. I sat up the next morning as we left Klamath Falls and took this picture of the sunrise.

Later that day I climbed up on top and enjoyed a bottle of wine and a view of Mt. Shasta as we drifted down through the site of the Cougar siding below Grass Lake.

Another one of those "rider meets rider going the other way" instances, this time somewhere on the East side of the Cascades coming into Chemult.

The monotony of walking endless strings of cars is all too familiar. Once you find a ride, do you continue walking in hopes of finding a better one, or do you risk the chance of the train pulling out when you're "between rides"?

Standing room only on a cold Winter ride up to Klamath Falls. Not many chances to sit at the doorway with legs hanging down, admiring the scenery...

A welcome sight after shivering for hours in the snow waiting for a train.

The view from the boxcar door crossing the Dry Creek trestle on the slopes of Mt. Shasta coming down from Klamath Falls.

While walking those endless miles between strings of cars, ever wonder what's inside the closed ones? This boxcar was filled with soon-to-be recycled paper impressed with leaf-like patterns.

Aside from walking those previously-mentioned miles between endless strings of cars, there's always the option of doing it in the rain...

Empty wood chip cars, at least those having ladders running down the inside, can be similar to riding in a roof-less boxcar without doors — no view, no protection from the rain, but lots of room to roll out in.

This much snow can make walking anywhere a struggle, not to mention the fact that the Bull can "track" your movements pretty easily.