
Heartburn in the Heartland
west meets midwest... midwest wins

Idle Idyll
rain, rain, go away!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
movement without forethought is still movement

Road Trip
first time's the charm

Roseville Story
never get out of the boxcar

Sense and Sensimilla
home is where the heart was

No Name Jive
just faces & places

Music to my Ears
riding in e flat minor

Paradise Found
don't leave home without it

Inside Looking In
is this all there is?

Pushin' the Cushions
we don't need no stinking tickets!

Iowa, my Iowa!
so near and yet so far

the Sixties
experiences during that most defining decade

Urine the Army Now!
or how to stop worrying and love basic training

Stranger in a Stranger Land
a beeline to the beehive state

Roleplay as Therapy
the bay area is my oyster

Riding in the Winter
there are reasons for the seasons

The Absence of Warmth
how cool can that be?

Why Am I Here?
and why aren't I there?

Early Autumn
what's gone is gone

The Way of the Land
over, around, and through

Sole Sacrifice
the agony of da feet

Are We There Yet?
getting there is all the fun

Yard Limits
look before you leap

Eastward Ho!
the zen of trainriding maintenance

The Salt of the Earth
is the spice of life

When Reality Isn't
see me, touch me, feel me

Hiatus in the Hinterlands
this (3.2%) bud's for you!

In the Realm of the Census
divide and concur

The Sounds of Silence
in the key of see

Branch Line Blues
this medium didn't get the message

Midnight in the Garden of Snow
i am the walrus

The Biggest Little Branch Line...
...in the World

Life in the Slow Lane
counting the ties on the Modoc

Death and Texas
which comes first?

Coming into Los Angeleeze
please return your packs to the forward position

I Read, Therefore I Am
books make the man

Days of Wine and Rodents
the uneventful events of waiting for a train

Cathy's Story
i dream the night fantastic

Food for Thought
you are what you've eaten

Scents and Sensibilities
I love the smell of brakeshoe smoke in the morning

Alone Together
cold steel for breakfast

Watching the Nevada Channel
my tv's bigger than your tv

Oakland Musings
there is a "there" there

Go East, Young Man!
looking for my roots in all the wrong places

The Train-Time Continuum
if it's tuesday this must be montana

40-milers Anonymous
it's not how far you go, but how you go far

Time Spent Well...
...is time well spent

White Like Me
trapped in suburbia

My Domain Needs Surveying
idle fingers point the way

The Low Quark of MIT Boys
intelligence is a state of mind

The Winter of My Discontent
the shortest distance between three points

Some Things Are Interesting
and some aren't

Miles & Miles of Miles
the smooth way to rough it

My Own Private Utah
I could get used to this

Utah in a Nutshell
in the land of the latter days

Take Only Pictures...
...leave only empty wine bottles

I, Me, Mine, and Yours?
one is the loneliest number

Oy Canada!
take these huddled masses... please

Behind Bars
that's where mine was

Suburban Cowboy
smoke 'em if ya got 'em

Milk Run
motion is overrated...

Pipe Dreams
round and round we go

When Everything Was New
and things got old fast

Modoc Memories
going out the branch

Riding the Möbius Line
the beginning is never the end

Don't Cry For Me Rancho Cucumonga
my "you're a'peein' vacation"

To Halve and to Have Not
the unbearable lightness of starvation

Outside Looking In
voyages of voyeurism

Checks and Balances
nobody checking and fewer balancing

The Beet Goes On
the perception of deception

Any Port in a Storm
movement is overrated

Roseville mon amour
time is a state of mind

The Elements of Style
cardboard as a creative medium

Routes, Rock, Reggae
rock around the clock

You Can't Always Get What You Want
but i'm happy to settle for what i need

The Gripes of Wrath
what's so great about the central valley?

The Mnemonic Plague
one man's roygbiv is another man's vibgyor

In the Stall of the Mountain King
the world is my urinal

Leave it to Bieber
TV was never like this

Knowledge is Good
making sense of it is better

The Snow Cave
there's snow place like home

Seasonal Greetings
yule get there when you get there

On understanding the movements of flies
and how that relates to trains

Moments Reborn
and hopefully recycled

The Neutering of America
it is what it is

Rhymes with Orange
my mind is an open book

Under the Bridge
out of sight... out of mind

Postcards from the front
1,000 words with the click of a shutter

Northwestern Pacific University
an institute of tired learning

Flights of Fancy
around and around we go

By Train to the Canyon
vacationing on the cheap

My Weirdest Ride
riding 'em like you find 'em

the Firth of Fifth
adrift in a draft

No hell below us
above us only sky

Alimentary, My Dear Watson!
meals on wheels

Deserted in the Desert
in sand we trust

Memories of Motion
it's the thought that counts

never refuse an invitation...
...never resist the unfamiliar